Wenatchee Youth Baseball

2025 WYB Coach Registration


Welcome to the 2025 Coach Registration with Wenatchee Youth Baseball!

Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.

WYV operates under Babe Ruth League's Cal Ripken Division. All coaches are required to complete mandatory background checks and Abuse Prevention Training through SportEngine/NCSI, the official Babe Ruth Safety Program.

Background checks are abuse training certificate cost is $25.50 are valid for 2 years.

WYB will provide coaches with discount codes to waive these fees, codes will be mailed to your registered email address prior to player evaluations.

Volunteering as a coach is not a guarantee that there will be a position available depending on number of teams, sponsorships, coach/player combinations, etc.

Coaching positions will be evaluated and approved prior to player evaluations.